Applying for your first mortgage can be nerve-wracking! The amount your lender offers you as a mortgage can make or break your ability to purchase your dream property in your ideal suburb.
Your first goal must be to secure pre-approval. This is the conditional promise of a mortgage that allows you to make an offer or bid with confidence.
Your lender only issues the loan after valuing the property and determining that you’re paying a reasonable price. If it thinks the prospective mortgage is greater in value than the property, they’ll back out.
That can be both stressful and heartbreaking. As a mortgage broker, I can help prepare the application, and I’ll be there to help you avoid any disasters.
My most valuable service will be to find the right loan for you. There is a wide choice, but not all of them will be suitable for your circumstances. I’ll help you take the right path.
For those seeking a mortgage for the first time, I’ll help navigate the complex world of home loans and ease the stress of getting all the paperwork together for the application.
Here are the essentials to start collecting in preparation for your mortgage application.
You’ll need a driver’s licence and passport to prove your identity. Either maybe be substituted with a Medicare card or birth certificate. Non-citizens must show their visas. A lender will ask for your mother’s maiden name, details of your nearest relative and where you’ve lived during the past three years.
Two payslips, a bank statement and the last two tax returns get the job done. You should also declare if you have any companies and an ASIC registration.
You’ll need to prove your savings with a bank statement that covers the previous three months. State any shares you own and provide rates notices of any property you own.
Declare any loan, such as those for a car, furniture or holiday. Show the last three months of your credit card spending.
Estimate your day-to-day expenditure and use your credit/debit card statements to indicate spending habits. Show receipts for any rent you pay.
State whether you are responsible for anyone else such as children or a spouse.
Don’t try to hide any issues. Your credit rating and history are easy to find. You’ll also need to state your work history for the past three years. You can check your own credit history through a service like Equifax.
If I can help you find a mortgage deal that’s right for your circumstances or assist you in refinancing your current loan, please do not hesitate to contact me. My services are free to you as I earn commission from the lender who wins your business and I operate under a Code of Conduct that prioritises the borrower.
This article is provided for general information only and does not take into account the specific needs, objectives or circumstances of the reader. Before acting on any information, you should consider whether it is appropriate for your personal circumstances, carry out your own research and seek professional advice.